Friday, November 22, 2019

Attitudes of Gratitude

In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, we took some time to reflect on what we are most thankful for.

I am most thankful for a good education. Without a good education, I wouldn't get a good job and be able to provide for my future family. To show my gratitude, I try to be the best student that I can be.    - "Champ"

I am most thankful for my family, friends, and teachers. I am thankful for them because they help me learn, have fun and I like them and love them. I show my gratitude by listening to them and playing with them.    - "Rocky"

I am most thankful for my family because they are always there when I need them and because not everyone has a nice family to live with. I show my gratitude for them by respecting them and saying 'please' and 'thank you' when they do something nice for me.    -" Mala"

I am most thankful that I have a family that cares for me and loves me and that like to have fun with me. When they sign me up for a sport, I try my best and practice every day. This is how I show my gratitude.     - "Drain"

I am most thankful for my brother because if he wasn't here, I would be an only child. I don't want to be an only child. I love my brother soooo much and never want him to leave for college. I show my gratitude for him by playing soccer with him inside with our small soccer ball whenever we have free time.     - "Ella"

I am most thankful for my family and their kindness because they are always there for me when I need them and they are caring, honest and thoughtful. I show my gratitude every night before I go to bed by giving them a hug and a kiss and telling them that I love and appreciate them so much.      - "Mango"

I am most thankful for being in this wonderful space called "The Hive" - I love everything about it. I am actually currently planning something for my teachers to show my gratitude, but I'm not going to spoil it. My lips are sealed.     - "Clover"

I am most thankful for my family because they help me get better at math, writing, reading and sports and they send me to this great school. I show my gratitude by doing chores to help my family out.      - "Stinky"

I am most thankful for trees because they provide oxygen for us to breathe. Trees also remind me to stand tall and that I can do anything. When I grow up, I plan to help prevent deforestation. This is how I show my gratitude for trees.      - "Cheese"

I am most thankful for having a home, always enough food, being warm when it is cold outside, and other things - there are too many to count. Some people do not have any of these things and they might be cold or hungry. I show my gratitude by trying my best not to be spoiled if I get a present I do not like. Instead, I try to think about other kids who might not have as much as me. Although it is hard to remember sometimes, I always try my best.      - "Cat"

I am most thankful for my sisters because I look up to them and they help me make good choices. I show my gratitude by caring for them.     - "Fia"

I am most thankful for the good education my teachers give me and I thank my teachers for this all the time.     - "Yo"

I am most thankful for my family and friends. They are the greatest because they care about me. I show my gratitude by caring about them and helping them when they are worried or sad. I love them so much.    - "Kirishi"

I am most thankful for my family, my pets and my friends. I'm thankful because I can't get another family, pet, or friends just like mine. They are always there when I need them. I show my gratitude by hugging my parents before I go to school and saying "I love you" and also kiss my dog and cats before I go to school. I try to be as nice as I can to my friends.     - "Ritzi"

We are thankful for our students who teach us new things every day and because they make us laugh. We are thankful for being challenged every day and for working in a school district that thoughtfully and generously supports all teachers and students. We are thankful for the forty beautiful faces that greet us each morning with a warm smile and a willingness and readiness to learn. Thank you also to the families of "The Hive" who believe in us and support us.  - "Ms. Davis and Mrs. Valzania"

1 comment:

  1. Dear Hive,
    I really enjoyed reading your guest blog posts this week. Each little story is captivating, unique and inspirational. I loved reading about what you are thankful for! Please know that I am thankful for each moment I get to learn with you in The Hive. Go Hive!


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