Friday, November 5, 2021

Nurturing a Strong Community

At the heart of every classroom are the trusting and caring relationships that are nurtured within it.  As teachers, we strive to create safe learning spaces where students feel comfortable learning and growing and where they feel valued and a sense of belonging. Classroom community meetings go a long way in achieving this. 

Beginning our day with a morning meeting routine helps students feel welcomed, relaxed, confident, and ready to learn. Similarly, ending our day with an closing circle allows a learning community to reflect on the day's experiences and to take the time for special shout-outs, to share positive experiences with one another, and to discuss opportunities for optimal personal and academic growth. These meetings provide opportunities for students to interact and make connections with their diverse group of peers, to actively listen to others and learn about each others’ lives and perspectives, and to practice empathy and problem-solving. It's these small but deeply meaningful experiences that foster a strong sense of community and facilitate positive student learning outcomes (academic, social, and emotional).

This week's guest bloggers reflect on their community meeting experiences. Enjoy.

NOTE: the "honeycomb' as the kids call it, is our community gathering spot in The Hive. 

I feel like I can share my feelings in the honeycomb and I feel safe. It feels better to share instead of keeping it inside my head. I feel like The Hive is my safe zone.   - @Horse321

Our classroom meetings are helping us be a stronger community. We could still be doing some things better though, like when someone is alone at recess, we could invite them to join our groups. Also, when we're sitting at our lunch tables, we could try to have conversations with new people. If we try to include others all the time, it will be fun. Trust me!    - @Koala333

I think our classroom meetings help us to share how were are feeling. I love hearing about how other people are feeling, too. When I share my feelings, it makes me feel good and I have good feelings all day.   - @Dream

The morning meetings that we have feel like a first confession that I would have at church. It feels good getting something off your chest. I feel like I can trust sharing my feelings in this space. I feel like I can share things I don't normally share with people and that I can trust my classmates and teachers with the stories I tell.    - @Elizabeth-Schuyler

Our morning meeting helps me feel like I'm a part of an important community because nobody ignores me when I talk and I feel like people really do care about what I have to say. I just feel like I'm not left out. But most of all it feels like this big huge family that cares. That's THE HIVE.   - @Cheesy

I think the effect of doing our morning meetings and afternoon circles will make us more likely to sit next to people that we don't normally sit next to. Sharing about our day with each other is very calming and it's a great way to have an open mind and think about things differently. An open mind is the only kind. This is the best way to start and end our day!   - @TheBeeGuy101

I think that the morning meeting helps me feel calm and makes me feel like I'm friends with everybody. I feel like it's a good way to start my day, especially when I have a hard time getting ready for school in the morning.   - @G-Money

I really like having our morning and afternoon meetings. Other conversations that we could have during these meetings could be about what could have happened during the day or what we wanted to happen. More conversation leads to more sharing of our feelings.    - @Chickadee

I am hoping that our morning and afternoon meetings will encourage people to continue working on being polite and calm. I hope that these meets continue to be just as nice and pleasant as they are now.   - @Honey

When we do our classroom gatherings and people share, it helps me be less shy. Also, it helps me start and end my day on a good note.    - @Blocky

The morning meetings that we are doing really help me slow down my day and that's a good thing. It also shows a calm result to the end of the day. In the mornings I can get really stressed about whether or not I'll miss the bus and if I'll remember to bring my homework or something like that. Our meetings make me realize that lots of people care and feel a similar way as I do. It helps me feel like I am not lost in my emotions.   - @EarthySmurf

Our morning meetings help me feel like I'm in an important community. The fact that others are sharing their feelings, thoughts, and shout-outs makes me feel like I can tell anyone anything. To me, that is really important. When people share these things, we become closer friends and classmates.    - @Ham

During our afternoon circle, I want us to give each other lots of compliments. In our morning meeting, I like that we greet each other. These meetings make kids feel good and included.    - @Flash4

Our class meetings make me feel important in The Hive because I know that I'm listening to my classmates and that they are listening to me.   - @Pickle03

I think our morning meetings are very calming and they help us to lift each other's spirits. Our afternoon circle ends our days with a joyful heart. These meetings change our thinking about how we can make a good day into a great day.   - @Wolverine12

Our community meetings are important because we get to share our ideas and tell each other what we are thinking. It's good to slow down and go one at a time and be silent while each person is sharing. When others share and encourage others to share it makes me feel more comfortable sharing. It makes me want to encourage others to speak, too.    - @Kiwi22

Our morning meetings help me feel like I am important in my community. When everyone gets to participate it feels good and it makes people feel included. If everybody felt that way all the time, then BA-DA-BING! We'd have the strongest community ever!    - @M&M

Whether you feel like you've gotten up on the "wrong side of the bed" or you are stressed about something in your life, when you come into The Hive, that all goes away. It is amazing that just making eye contact with your teachers and classmates can make you feel needed or loved. It makes you feel happy sitting next to someone that you've never sat next to or just saying "hi" or "hello". It's the same feeling you get when you do a good deed. All that from just a simple "hi". It may not seem like a big thing, but it's a fantastic way to start and end your day.   - @Pineapple 

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