Friday, December 10, 2021

Stewards of our Community

As part of our exploration into the factors that contribute to changes in the earth's surface, we’ve been investigating some of the devastating effects that weathering and erosion can have in our communities, particularly our shorelines. After learning about this, students really wanted to help those affected by this in some way. It was inspiring to see these young members of our community engage in a community outreach effort - not only initiating but leading the endeavor with such genuine pride and enthusiasm.

We began by identifying our range of action. We brainstormed ways that 9-10 year-olds can help support members of our broader community who are affected by the devastating effects of beach erosion. After learning about the specific challenges that Plum Island is facing, we decided we wanted to do something to help protect its shoreline, marine life, wildlife, and the homes and businesses in the surrounding communities. We came up with the idea of making ocean-inspired handmade products to sell at our annual Spofford Pond School Store event and through special orders from Hive families, with the hopes of raising funds to donate to an organization supporting these efforts. All proceeds from the sale of these gift cards and bookmarks will benefit the Plum Island Foundation, whose mission is ​​dedicated to fostering and protecting a sustainable Plum Island for all to enjoy.

We asked students to reflect on this experience - specifically, why is it important for members of our communities (including children) to have a voice and be engaged with issues happening in our communities? Here are some of their thoughts:

I feel like it's important to be aware of the things that are happening around us and to support people and important causes when it's needed. We should also try harder to protect the earth. - @GoatLover

It feels good to support an important cause because you know you are helping someone who needs it. More voices mean more possibilities. - @WaterBottle1

It feels really great to support a good cause. It's important for everyone to have a voice because even a small child can think of something worth supporting. - @Cheeto111

Sometimes kids can have great ideas and I believe we should be able to share our thoughts and ideas with our community and help support important causes. Even more important, we should be thinking about solutions. - @Wolverine12

It feels nice to help a cause. I've always enjoyed helping people with whatever their problem is. I feel everybody should be able to be allowed to help people with other challenges. I think people should be able to have a voice and know what's going on around them. People should try to pitch in, in whatever way they can. I think it's a great idea that we are making and selling cards to help support Plum Island. It's fun for the kids, nice for the buyers of our products, and it helps Plum Island. - @Choney

Everyone should look out for each other and have a voice. It's important for people to take a stand - not just adults, but kids too. Another way we could help our community is by picking up all the trash on our beaches. There are so many ways we can help out in our community. - @PickleKitty

I think it's important for everyone to have a voice and be engaged with the issues happening in our communities because there are many problems in the world and few people are noticing them. Also, helping others makes you a better person and the world a better place. We should also use our voices to encourage others to support important causes. - @21Savage

Friday, December 3, 2021

Planning Your Next Vacation?

This post follows an earlier one about our experience with the online video editing platform, WeVideo. 

Over the last couple of weeks, students have been learning about the geography of North America. Specifically, they were tasked with researching and analyzing the countries of Canada and Mexico as it relates to the people, culture, environment, resources, and landmarks. The driving question: What is important about the geography of these locations and what might draw people to live or vacation there? 

In an effort to help our students develop important twenty-first-century literacy skills (including media literacy), we asked students to use their knowledge and understanding of the countries they were researching and analyzing in order to produce a travel/tourism video that communicates the important aspects of these countries' geographical features and why these countries would be ideal locations to live, work, or vacation to (appealing aspects about the climate, resources, culture, land/water features).

When we told our students that we'd be integrating a WeVideo production to help facilitate their connections to this content, their motivation and engagement skyrocketed. The critical analysis that was required in order to evaluate the most optimal features of video media in order to effectively communicate their messages, added an authentic component to an already complex task of mastering disciplinary knowledge. They navigated this learning experience with such enthusiasm and focus and the results were pretty amazing. We think you will enjoy them, too (you'll actually find them at the end of this post). This week's guest bloggers reflect on their experiences. Enjoy.

Something that I am proud of in my video production is how much effort I put into it and how much fun it was to make a real travel advertisement. Something I could do differently next time is manage my time better. I didn't really have a lot of time to finish my video because it was more difficult to do this than I thought.   -@Elizabeth_Schuyler

One thing that I liked about my video production was that the background music ended in the just the right place. One thing that I would have done differently is incorporate more transitions because I saw in other people's videos how it can really help. Overall, I think my video is good but with a few tweaks, it could be even better.    - @Cheeto111

One thing that I am proud of in my video production are the images that I chose. Some things that I would do differently next time is not let the music volume take over my voiceover. Also, my voiceover sounded really choppy. I will need to practice more next time.   - @Kiwi222

I would just like to say that each and every video production was very good. One strong point about my video was the fluency in my voiceover. On the other hand, I would like to improve on the way I select my images.    - @Pineapple

As a video producer in The Hive, we all have our ups and downs. One of my ups were the images that I used in my production. They fit the scenes very well. One of my downs was that I tripped on my words a lot and I had some trouble pronouncing words. Even though there were some ups and downs, it was very fun!    -@EarthySmurf

One thing I feel good about in my video is my voiceover (if I'm being really honest). Something that I could do differently next time would be choosing the right pictures to go with my voiceover.   - @Blocky

Making my travel commercial was really fun! There definitely were things that I LOVED about my video production and things that I didn't love so much. One example of something that I really like about my production (prepare the tooting horn) was the background music. I think that I got the selection and volume just right. Something I could improve on was my voiceover. Next time I'll practice more before I record it so that it's smooth and not so choppy.    - @M&M 

Something that I was proud of in my video production was how I kept the videos and images on the screen for just the perfect amount of time. That is always so important. One thing that I could improve on for next time is adding background music. After seeing everyone else's productions, I regretted not adding background music to mine.     - @Ham

One thing I feel good about in my video production are the pictures I used because even if I didn't have a voiceover, the pictures would explain everything. One thing I think I could improve on is my background music selection because in this production, my music didn't really match my video.   - @Lonnie

One thing that I am proud of about my video is my voiceover because I think it sounded pretty smooth. Something that I could improve on is being more specific when I am choosing pictures in the search bar.    - @G-Money

One thing that I am proud of in my video production is that the pictures that I used stayed on the screen long or short enough for the audience to stay interested. One thing I could improve on next time is my voiceover. I could have talked slower, louder, and more calmly.      - @Koala333

One thing that I felt good about in my video production was my background music choice. I thought it went well with the culture of Mexico. Something I think I could do better next time is making the pictures on the screen match my voiceover.    -@Venom

Some things that I am proud of in my video production are my voiceover and the amount of information I had in my script (voiceover). One thing I could have done differently is to pick better background music.    - @WowWriter

Dear Mom & Dad, 

After researching and learning about the geography of Canada and Mexico, we have fallen in love with these beautiful and culturally diverse countries. We'd love for you to consider taking us on a vacation to one of these amazing destinations one day. Maybe after watching our travel/tourism ads you'll fall in love, too. 

With love,

Students in The Hive

P.S. A link to our travel/tourism videos can be found below

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