Friday, September 16, 2022

The Value of Listening

Listening is a fundamental aspect of developing strong interpersonal relationships as well as a meaningful understanding of the world around us. We often find ourselves distracted or overwhelmed which can impede our ability to truly listen and understand one another and purposefully process the experience of learning and life. 

As we work toward developing the key skills, competencies, and dispositions that learners need in order to achieve success in school and in life, we took some time this week to focus on the value of active listening. To promote the value of this important skill, students were partnered with a classmate and engaged in a dialogical interview. Dialogical interviews focus less on making the interviewer's opinions and ideas heard and more on the thoughts and ideas of the interviewee. The purpose of this exercise was to offer students a meaningful opportunity to practice and develop their active listening skills, as well as to continue their important work in developing trusting and caring relationships within our classroom community and bolstering a mutual understanding of one another. Though at times the experience proved to be a challenge for some of our learners, they were eventually able to successfully redirect their thinking and engage in meaningful moments of understanding and empathy. 

Listening exercises like this will be an essential part of the work we're engaging in as they help to develop skills that promote empathy, and effective collaboration, that allow learners to absorb knowledge, be curious, and develop a deep understanding of what they are learning about and experiencing, foster critical thinking, better communicate their ideas, support meaningful discussions about text, and allow learners to see and experience the value of diverse perspectives and creative approaches to problem-solving.

This week's guest bloggers reflect on their listening experience. Enjoy.

Listening is acknowledging the speaker and digging deep to learn more about someone or something.   - @MagicianofIceCream

I learned that listening is always important no matter what you are doing. It's especially important if you are working together with someone. You can hear someone talking and think you're listening, but what about active listening. Active listening is when you hear something and you actually pay attention to it and process it through your brain. We had to use a lot of active listening for our dialogical interviews because it would have been easy to get distracted. All in all, it's very important to listen in life no matter what the situation is.    - @writingmachine

Listening is necessary for solving problems or designing prototypes for projects because you have to listen to what the other person or customer wants or needs to be done in order to create something that meets their needs.     - @seafoam-da-seawing

Listening is an act of kindness because listening makes the other person feel good. It also helps you to see other points of view.    - @potatomonitor

Listening is an important skill for me to develop because I need to listen to people so that I can get to know them better. It's important to pay attention, sit still and not get distracted.    - @Burt

Listening is highly important because no matter what job you have, you will have to listen to others. For example, if you are a business owner and are trying to design a new product, you will need to learn about your customer's needs so that you will understand how to design the product so that it is actually useful to your customer.     - @HarryPotter

I learned that listening is important because it feels nice when you are listened to. It is also important because in life, you are going to need to listen carefully in order to do your job - whether you are a hairstylist, an engineer, or party planner - you have to know how to actively listen.   - @sunflower 

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