Friday, November 4, 2022

Planning Your Next Vacation?

Over the last couple of weeks, students have been learning about the geography of North America. Specifically, they were tasked with researching and analyzing the countries of Canada and Mexico as it relates to the people, culture, environment, resources, and landmarks. The driving question: What is important about the geography of these locations and what might draw people to live or vacation there? 

In an effort to help our students develop important twenty-first-century literacy skills (including media literacy), we asked students to use their knowledge and understanding of the countries they were researching and analyzing in order to produce a travel/tourism video that communicates the important aspects of these countries' geographical features and why these countries would be ideal locations to live, work, or vacation to (appealing aspects about the climate, resources, culture, land/water features).

When we told our students that we'd be integrating a WeVideo production to help facilitate their connections to this content, their motivation and engagement skyrocketed. The critical analysis that was required in order to evaluate the most optimal features of video media in order to effectively communicate their messages, added an authentic component to an already complex task of mastering disciplinary knowledge. They navigated this learning experience with such enthusiasm and focus and the results were pretty amazing. We think you will enjoy them, too (you'll actually find some of them at the end of this post). This week's guest bloggers reflect on their experiences. Enjoy.

One thing about my video production that I feel good about is my voiceover script and how I read it smoothly. One thing that I could improve on though is my research effort. I could have added a lot more information in my commercial.   - @SeaFoamDa-Sea-Wing

One thing about my video production project that I feel good about is how much I learned about Mexico. I didn't know a lot about Mexico before this project, but now I know about its population, landforms, and resources like sugar cane and more. One thing that I would do differently next time is manage my time better during the video production.    - @Daisy

One thing about my video production that I feel good about is my voiceover. I've never done a voiceover before and it felt weird at first, but then I felt really good about how it all came together in the end. One thing I would do differently next time is to make sure my images match with what I am saying during my voiceover.   - @LightningDragon

Something that made me feel good about my video production was the timing of my voiceover with my images. The images popped up on the screen at the same time I was talking about them. Two things I think I could have done better was coming up with a creative slogan and lowering the volume of the background music. Overall, I think I did a good job though.    - @soccerpro

One thing about my video production that I feel good about is that I didn't talk quietly and I didn't talk too loud. One thing I could do differently next time is to make my background music a little quieter so that my audience can hear my voiceover. I also want to give a shoutout to @soccerqueen6 for helping me find the right images and background music.    - @MaisyPaisy

Something I loved about this project was learning all about Canada. It was interesting to learn about their resources. Something I would do differently with my next video production would be to make sure I practice reading my script a lot more before I record my voiceover so that I read it more fluently and skip big pauses.   - @HarryPotter

One thing that I feel really good about in my video production is how I synched my words with the pictures. For example, when I was talking about silver as one of the important resources, a block of silver would appear on the screen at the same time. One thing I would do differently next time is read my voiceover more fluently so it sounds like a smooth rythym.     - @RV17

One thing about my video production that I feel good about is my voiceover. At first, it sounded very choppy and I didn't pronounce my words right, so I had to record it again. Once I got it right, it sounded great. Next time, I would definitely read my voiceover script at least 5 times before I record it. I would also like to give a shout-out to @MaisyPaisy for helping me find images that would match my voiceover.    - @soccerqueen6

I love WeVideo! Something I feel really good about on my travel commercial is that I picked the pictures and videos that matched the stuff that I'm saying in my voiceover. Something that I think I could do better next time is checking my voiceover. For example, I recorded a sentence but I was rushing and I accidentally cut off my words before I finished saying the words. I didn't notice that until I started putting it together. Next time, I'll check my voiceover first. WeVideo is awesome and you can find every image you want and the best part is that there are no copyrights.    - @FireDragon5

One thing about my video production that I feel good about is how I used a lot of information and it sounded like I really knew a lot about Canada. One thing that I wish I did differently is turned down the volume on my background music. It was too loud and you can't really hear my voiceover. Other than that, I am proud of my finished product and I think it came out well. I would also like to give a shout-out to @soccerqueen6 because she listened to me when I had a problem with the video and she took the time to help me. She also told me the truth about something I did wrong, but she said it in a nice way and it really helped.   - @softballpiggy

One thing about my video production that I feel good about is the background music and the volume. The music was the perfect volume so that you could hear it clearly and still hear my voiceover nicely. One thing I could do differently next time is read my voiceover more fluently so that it does not sound choppy.    - @sunflower

Something I think that went really well with my video production was that I chose the right background music and images. Once thing I could do differently next time is read my voiceover more fluently. I would put more enthusiasm into it and practice more before I record. I could have made it sound more fun and not so boring.    - @chickennugget

One thing about my video production that made me feel good was when I was recording and my paper made a BIG noise. As it turned out, I was talking about volcanoes during that part of my voiceover and the paper noise made a volcanic sound so it was perfect. It sounded like the volcano was erupting. I was amazed by how something BAD turned into something GOOD. One thing that I would do differently next time is make a better background music choice.    - @WritingGod

Something about my video production that I think I did pretty well was matching the images with my voiceover and how fast or slow the images changed. Something I would do differently next time is put a little more thought into making it because I kind of just put stuff it that was not on my original storyboard. A storyboard is like a graphic organizer and maybe working on getting some more information about the country to put in my graphic organizer would have helped make a better video. I would also like to give a shout-out to @cheerqueen for giving me her honest opinion about what I could fix to make it better.     - @softballgirl123

One thing that I feel good about in my video production is how my voiceover moved along with the images. One thing I would do differently next time is lower the volume on my background music so that it doesn't drown out my voiceover. I also wouldn't change my background music in the middle of the video.    - @RockHam

One thing about my video production that I feel good about is my smooth transitions with my words on the screen because they are not going too quick and you have time to read them. One thing that I would do differently next time is to make sure I practice saying the harder words before recording my voiceover. I felt like when I said some of the harder words, I didn't have as smooth a transition as I would have liked.    - @PuppyOnline

One thing about my video production that I feel good about is that I worked hard on it and I also liked that we were able to pick our own country to research. It was fun too because we could work together and see how to make our videos flow like a song. I definitely gave it my best. One thing that I would do differently next time is to practice my voiceover more before recording it. I also think I could have managed my time better and had more research done by the deadline.    - @ArcticFox

I feel like I should have used my time a little better with planning, writing my script, and recording my voiceover. The thing that I love the most is that I gave it my best effort and worked really hard on it. I loved putting all of the pieces together.   - @cheerqueen

My WeVideo production was fun. I liked how I had to think a lot about one thing in particular each step of the way, asking myself, "Is that what I really want to do?" Something that I would do differently next time is make sure the volume is lower in my background music. I'd like to also give a shout-out to @WritingGod for helping me when I was stuck.   - @Slugger

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