Friday, November 1, 2019

On the Road to Success

Something that is going well in my learning is my writing. I have been so excited to continue with my narrative writing every day during my RTI exploration time.  I can't wait to finish my story! Something I can do better as I continue to work on my narrative writing is to try to put more detail in my story. Maybe I could also reread my story a few times to be sure that other people reading it will be able to understand it. Learning about narrative writing will be helpful to me in the future because when I get older, I was thinking about maybe becoming an author. Working hard at writing good small stories will help me get ready for the bigger ones.    - "Ritzi"

Something that is going well for me in my learning is math. Something I can do better as I continue to learn about math is to raise my hand more often and talk with the teacher when I don't quite understand something. Learning math will be helpful to me in the future because I will need to know my multiplication facts as math gets more challenging.    - "Fia"

Something that is going well in my learning is reading with fluency and understanding difficult words as I read them.  Something I can do better as I continue to improve my reading skills is to sit somewhere where I won't get distracted by a classmate so that I can focus on the book that I am reading. Learning how to read fluently will help me when I get older and get a job because I will have a lot of reading to do in my life.  - "Stinky"

Something that is going well in my learning is 2-digit multiplication. Something I can do better as I continue to learn about 2-digit multiplication is using the CMZCMAC method. Learning this will be helpful to me in the future because math is an everyday thing from paying bills to paying for groceries.   - "Rann"

Something that is going well in my learning in double-digit multiplication in math. Something I can do better as I continue to learn about this is remembering to add the zero when I am working through a multiplication problem. Learning this will be helpful to me in the future because if I ever have an event at my house, I will need to know how much food or how many party favors I will need to buy.    - "Lize"

Something that is going well in my learning right now is learning about different types of Native American cultural regions and tribes. Something I can do better as I continue to learn about this is maybe trying to raise my hand more with answers to questions the teacher is asking the class.  Learning about this topic will be helpful to me in the future because if we learn about what happened in the past, and the mistakes that people made back then, then we can learn from them so that we don't make the same mistake more than once.     - "Glisten"

Something that is going well in my learning is double-digit multiplication because when I work with my partner, it helps me a lot. Also, when I do the double-digit multiplication one way at a time, I can understand it better and then I could then get better at doing it a different way. Something I can do better as I continue to learn about this is doing it more slowly as I go and to do the problem over a couple of times to be sure I have the correct answer. Learning this will be helpful to me in the future because when I go to 6th grade I could know how to do the steps better and also when I get older and go to the store, I will need to know this kind of math in order to buy some stuff.   - "Mango"

Something that is going well in my learning is when the teacher is giving directions on an assignment, I am not talking. Something I can do better as I continue to learn about this is sitting in a good spot so that I am not tempted to talk. Learning this will be helpful to me in the future because it's not polite to talk while someone else is talking.   - "Yah"

Something that is going well in my learning is double-digit multiplication. Something I can do better as I continue to learn about this is to pay attention when we are learning about it and not talking to classmates while we are doing math problems. I need to do it in "the cave". Learning double-digit multiplication will be helpful to me in the future because I will be doing it a lot next year and the year after that.     - "Ella"

Something that is going well in my learning is reading and listening to the story Rules. Something I can do better as we continue to read this book is to keep up with the read aloud by following along in my own book. Learning about the topic in this book will be helpful to me in the future because if I meet someone with autism, I can better understand them or be able to communicate and help them.     - "Soda"

Something that is going well in my learning is my reading fluency because I am not having a lot of bumps when I read. Something I can do better as I continue to learn about this is to increase my independent reading time to 30 minutes a day instead of 20. Learning how to become a more fluent reader will be helpful to me in the future because everything we do involves reading!    - "Lil Nas"

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